5월, 2022의 게시물 표시

Getting a Goodnight's Sleep

  In order to have the most productive day possible, you must have an optimal amount of sleep. There are no exceptions to this. Many argue that they do not need sleep to function that they function fine on three hours of sleep a day. This goes against science, as a good night sleep is what propels productivity the following day. Receiving at least seven hours of sleep (for college students) is essential. Throughout the day, if you get work done as planned and do not get distracted, the entire day is enough time to get what you need done.   Thus, investing in time to get enough sleep will do wonders to your level of concentration the next day. Not only is the number of hours important, the quality is just as important as well.   Turn off all electronics 30 minutes prior to going to bed. For a smooth REM cycle, avoid sleeping in a room with noises and turn off your lamp to receive optimal sleep.   At first getting into a habit of getting a sufficient amount of sleep ma...

How to Prevent Burnout

  Another way to be productive is to take breaks in between while working. Many people misunderstand the idea of taking a break and at times consider it being lazy or causing you to regress in terms of your progress. Yet taking short breaks in between will prevent you from burning out in the long run.  Scientifically, it is   proven that an individual cannot focus and at the same time be productive for over an hour. Therefore, I suggest you to follow the 50 minute rule. In other words, work hard for 50 minutes straight and put away all distractions and once you hit the   50 minutes mark immediately drop whatever you are doing and take a break.   Also, science proves that doing at least one thing a day that gives you pleasure helps release endorphins and prevent burn out. It gives a person   something to look forward at the end of the day. A couple examples can be getting a foot massage, going to watch a movie, or shopping for new seasonal clothes. ...