3월, 2022의 게시물 표시

Using Sleep as a way to Propel Academic Productivity

Looking back on my childhood, I was raised in a school environment that was extremely academically oriented. Receiving full marks on every assessment and exam was what I lived for and it consumed me completely. As a naive and ambitious 13 year old student, I would purposely sleep at 3AM to prove to myself I was studying “enough” hours, yet I would never perform at an optimal level in any of my courses. I later understood how being deprived of sleep was not only hindering me from reaching my full potential, rather I was doing a major disservice to my overall health. You might be able to get away with being sleep deprived for a couple of weeks, yet once your body reaches an extreme deficit when it comes to sleep, your body will backfire completely. For me personally, the combination of stress, overworking myself, and being sleep deprived for five consecutive years led my body to reaching a breaking point. I was eventually hospitalized due to malnourishment, Bradycardia and other dire hea...

How to Deal with Unmotivation: What to do When you Feel Like Doing Nothing

Everyone reading this post right now has experienced this at least a couple times in their life: dealing with the dilemma of feeling unmotivated. At times, you just feel like spacing out and doing nothing, despite having important tasks ahead of you.   In my experience in high school, I had the natural gift of being productive. Not once did I ever procrastinate, I ticked off everything I had to do the given day, and I always gave 100% in whatever I did in my life. However, an unprecedented brick wall came my way: burn-out.   This is how living an overly productive life can at times lead you to burning-out faster.   I hit an all time low and for the first time in my life, I felt like doing absolutely nothing.   First of all let yourself rest, remove any pressure to be BE or DO anything. Just exist. Stop putting any expectations on yourself. Let your body and mind rest and take time to rejuvenate. Isn’t it ironic? All you have to do is do nothing. Give your body time t...

How to Increase Productivity as a College Student